How to Write an Invitation Letter for Canada Visa Correctly (Sample Included)

invitation letter for canada visa

The letter should be written on company or personal letterhead and include: contact information of the person extending the invitation; their relationship to you (friend, relative); how long they will host you; what financial commitments they will make during your stay; where in Canada they live; and more.

We’ve gone through the details of what a Canada visitor visa invitation letter is and added sample invitation letters as well. Read on!

Table Of Contents
  1. What is an Invitation Letter for Canada Visa?
  2. Who Needs an Invitation Letter to Visit Canada?
  3. Who is Qualified to Write An Invitation Letter for Canada Visa?
  4. What Should a Canada Visitor Visa Invitation Letter Contain?
  5. Does The Invitation Letter for Canada Visa Need to be Notarized?
  6. How to Send the Canada Visa Invitation Letter
  7. How to Submit the Canada Visa Invitation Letter
  8. Is the Person Inviting Legally Responsible for the Visa Applicant?
  9. Letter of Invitation Canada Sample
  10. Letter of Invitation – Canada Sample Template for Parents, Family Members, Friends, and Other Visitors
  11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Invitation Letter for Canada Visa
  12. Final Words: Invitation Letter, Canada

What is an Invitation Letter for Canada Visa?

A Canada visitor visa invitation letter is a simple letter written and signed by someone you have a close relationship with within Canada, inviting you to the country. The person can be your relative, friend, or business partner, but you must have a close relationship with him or her, and they should be able to vouch for your identity and the purpose of your visit.

Whether you are applying for a Canadian temporary resident visa or a business visa, a letter of invitation can strengthen your application.

The person inviting you is basically guaranteeing the Canadian Consulate that you are not giving false information about your reasons to enter Canada, that you will not overstay your visa, and that they can provide you financial support if you can not. However, the invitation letter does not guarantee your visa approval.

Who Needs an Invitation Letter to Visit Canada?

Most people intending to visit Canada will not need an invitation letter for a Canada visa. People who are qualified or eligible for an eTA (electronic travel authorization) do not need to include an invitation letter in their application.

Citizens of other countries apart from the United States travelling to Canada have to apply for a paper visa at Consulates or Canadian Embassies. Most of these applications will not require an invitation letter, but applicants are asked to present one in some cases.

The invitation letter only strengthens the visa application with a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or temporary resident (such as a student) backing. It does not guarantee visa approval.

Who is Qualified to Write An Invitation Letter for Canada Visa?

As stated earlier, anyone close to you that resides in Canada can help you write an invitation letter for a Canada visa. The person can be a close relative or friend and must meet the following requirements:

An invitation letter for a Canadian working visa application must come from the Canadian host company. The letter should be written by a representative of the company.

What Should a Canada Visitor Visa Invitation Letter Contain?

  1. The visa applicant’s information.
  2. The information of the person inviting the applicant.
  3. Super visa invitation letter (specific information, if applicable).

Let’s discuss them one after the other.

1. The Visa Applicant’s Information

2. The Information of the Person Inviting the Applicant