The existing QTenders system is being replaced by the VendorPanel system in a phased implementation. As agencies are transitioned their tender documents will only be available from VendorPanel.
We will continue to advertise all public tenders on the QTenders site, however you will need to register your business with VendorPanel to access tender documents and respond to tenders. To find out more about how to register or update your supplier profile, visit
Supplier Registration is quick and easy - Register Here today!
If you're having trouble logging into QTenders your account may have been archived. Please contact the QTenders Application Support team.
On October 24, 2022, an automated review of all user accounts was conducted. Any account that had not been logged into since January 1, 2021, was archived. If your account was archived, you will no longer be able to log in, and will not receive notifications for new tenders. We previously notified about this review on the QTenders Homepage and through new tender notification emails.
For late offers/submissions or information on a specific tender, including specifications, please contact the Tender Manager/s listed in Section 2 of the Tender Overview.
We suggest closing tenders at 10am on Monday to allow time for offerors to address upload issues before end of day. Closing tenders at 5pm on Fridays risks lack of QTenders support and no weekend tender evaluations.
Our interactive Forward Procurement Pipeline dashboard displays future procurement opportunities available. A quick user guide video is available on YouTube. Please note that the dashboard may take a few seconds to load depending on your Internet connection and device.
Phone (07) 3215 3699
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday (exc. public holidays)
The times presented in this website are based on QLD AEST - without daylight savings.
Suppliers and members of the public can make a complaint about any government procurement process, other than a complaint relating to the Mandate or the Threshold by visiting the dedicated whole of government complaints process website.
Complaints can be submitted by using the online complaints form or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
Complainants that are dissatisfied with the actions taken by a procuring agency, after exhausting all avenues to have their complaint resolved, can request a review of the matter by the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman.
We are committed to engaging with suppliers who deliver genuine, secure ongoing jobs with fair pay and safe working conditions for Queenslanders.
More information can be found Here.